This nice blog has been created and is being regularly updated for parents to follow their Kid's school activities. Please encourage us by regularly visiting us and leaving your much valued comments. Thanks, Ms. Jacqueline

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Goldilocks And The Three Bears

Happy Birthday Matthias, Nirvana, Ramona, Francesca, Chanel & Julia

Drawing Goldilocks & The Three Bears

Collage of Goldilocks Using Different Materials

Shapes & Letters Out of Lollipop Sticks

Pretend Play - Going For A Party

Children choosing jewellery and hair accessories

Some treats...

Progett Dinja Wahda

Butterfly - The finished product

Pretend Play - Rhyme "The Wheels On The Bus"

One, Two, Three, Steady, GO...

Bears Collage out of different material

Pre-writing skills using board marker

Kids describing soft toy's features during show and tell

Let's prepare a tea party for our friends

Collage of the 3 bears' house

Welcome to the new comers... Martina & Bjorn

Outing at Once Upon A Time